Tuesday, October 20, 2009

IPhone 3.0 burglarized By Cracker (IPhone 3.0 Dibobol Oleh Cracker )

Like a computer, the iPhone is vulnerable to viruses, including attacks by crackers. IPhone 3.0 operating system rumored to have suffered a cracker before the official release. The report mentions that the iPhone 3.0 will open automatically when the software is not an original iPhone fake alias.

We have many developers Apple may take the initiative to upgrade the iPhone 3.0, iPod Touch 3.0 or iPhone 3G 3.0. Cracker Vortex later known as the Russian hacker has released even crack secret for iPhone 3.0 through iPhoneApps.ru site. We tried to crack the iPod Touch Firmware 3.0 Beta 2 was successful. But a question arises here, how to crack it can come up with a bug in the iPhone 3.0.

Meanwhile, the iPhone 3.0 development team has also been trying to crack the system the previous version, but the case was probably because there is a gap in the previous system software that has not been revised. On the other hand, Apple has updated menarangkan term and condition of his to prohibit the use of the Russian cracker software. Strange indeed, but the emergence of 3G iPhone last year, Apple reportedly will cooperate with crackers. It was intended to enhance corporate security through the expertise of the cracker. Efforts are taken instead of crackers expertise to deliver things in a positive rather than the crackers continued to commit crimes in cyberspace and to curl up in jail.

Indonesian Version:

Bagaikan komputer, iPhone memang rentan terhadap virus, termasuk juga serangan dari cracker. Sistem operasi iPhone 3.0 dikabarkan sudah terkena serangan cracker sebelum dirilis resmi. Laporan tersebut menyebutkan kalau iPhone 3.0 akan terbuka otomatis bila software iPhone tersebut tidak orisinil alias palsu.

Saat ini mungkin banyak pengembang Apple yang berinisiatif untuk mengupgrade iPhone 3.0, iPod Touch 3.0 atau iPhone 3G 3.0. Cracker Vortex yang belakangan dikenal sebagai hacker Rusia tersebut bahkan telah merilis crack rahasia untuk iPhone 3.0 melalui situs iPhoneApps.ru. Saat crack tersebut dicoba pada iPod Touch Firmware 3.0 Beta 2 ternyata berhasil. Namun sebuah pertanyaan muncul di sini, bagaimana crack tersebut dapat memunculkan bug dalam iPhone 3.0.

Sementara itu, tim pengembang iPhone 3.0 juga pernah berusaha meng-crack sistem versi lawasnya, namun kasus tersebut terjadi mungkin karena ada celah dalam software sistem sebelumnya yang belum direvisi. Di sisi lain, Apple menarangkan telah memperbarui term and condition miliknya untuk melarang penggunaan software cracker Rusia tersebut. Aneh memang, padahal pada kemunculan iPhone 3G tahun lalu, Apple dikabarkan bakal bekerjasama dengan cracker. Hal itu dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan keamanan perusahaan melalui keahlian si cracker. Upaya tersebut diambil alih-alih menyalurkan keahlian cracker kepada hal-hal yang positif ketimbang para cracker terus melakukan kejahatan di dunia maya dan harus meringkuk di penjara.

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