Saturday, June 22, 2013

[UPDATED][CUSTOM][ROM][[GINGERBREAD][ICS][JB][UNSTABLE] CyanogenMod 7 (CM7) & CyanogenMod 9 (CM9) & CyanogenMod 10 (CM10) for Samsung Galaxy Y (GT-S5360)

Denger nama CyanogenMod 7 (CM7) & CyanogenMod 9 (CM9) & CyanogenMod 10 (CM10) aja, saya yakin hampir sebagian besar pengguna "Samsung Galaxy Y" bakalan mikir 2x untuk langsung download & nge-flash ROM tersebut.

Kenapa? karena untuk Broadcom device like "Samsung Galaxy Y" emang agak-agak susah untuk ngebuat ROM ini stabil 100% sekalipun emang kita udah dapet "GPU Driver BCM2763", cuma untuk Bugs ya dari hari ke hari, minggu ke minggu belum terlalu banyak perkembangan yang berarti.

Apalagi, salah satu yang nggak saya suka dari Development sectionnya Galaxy Y di xda adalah, banyak banget orang yang dikit-dikit theming, dikit-dikit port, dikit-dikit ngeluh, dan masih banyak dikit-dikit yang lain. Padahal yang di port tuh belum stabil 100%.

Okehlah sisi baiknya kita punya banyak port ROM CM7 & CM9 yang themingnya beda-beda, tp coba deh pikir lagi, di XDA kan ada section "Galaxy Y GT-S5360 Themes and Apps" kenapa coba nggak 1 ROM aja dibenahin sampe stabil dan yang mau Theming tinggal bikin bentuk flash atau APK untuk theme dr 1 ROM yang paling stabil :)

Cuma, yaudah lah lupakan haha... dan untuk memudahkan anda, berikut saya buat daftar semua ROM "CyanogenMod 7 (CM7) & CyanogenMod 9 (CM9) & CyanogenMod 10 (CM10)" yang ada di XDA hingga tanggal 22 Juni 2013, yang kesemuanya belum Bugs Free atau masih ada Bugsnya semua.

CyanogenMod 7 (CM7) 

1. [CM] Port of CM7 with kernel & EXT4, without RFS [Alpha 5][23-05-2013] by PsychoGame

Link Thread:

Bugs: Media, media_profiles.xml is included, but the OMX interface still needs to be properly ported which is a WIP.

2. [ROM][GPL][PORT][CM7.2]Blackdroids Lie V6.1[Updated](21.06)(JellyWiz v2)

Link Thread:


  •     Camera-white bug
  •     Google search fcs to fix uninstall and install it again
  •     Screen flickering can be fixed with black reactor kernel
  •     BT which is partially not working (Can send files but cannot receive files)

3. [ROM][PORT][GPL][CM7.2]Jelly Bread v4 RC1[ADDED VIDEO]

Link Thread:

Bugs: Video Recorder

4. [DEV]Cyanogenmod 7 [2.3.7] madteam edition ! V:2.0 Rc2 18/01

Link Thread:

Bugs: No Bugs list from Developer

5. [Cm7][Xperia S and JB Styled] SexyNoGen Mod Rc2 [Update-Mediafire Link Added For Rc2]

Link Thread:


Same As Rc 1

  • Status Bar force closes when we click at Task Manager shortcut, it force closes because right now we don't have any task manager in our latest cm7, i'll get it in the next build].
  • Stock Browser gave fc so I changed it with UC Browser Free.


Link Thread:


1. Camera( can take photos but cant view them while capturing.. [FIX : Install "Camera Illusion" from Play store.]
2. Video recording

7. [rom][cm7] jelly dream v1[Project Closed]

Link Thread:

Bugs: No Bugs list from Developer

8. [ROM][PORT][GB]Slim Series Rom CM7 For Totoro[60MB][CLOSED]

Link Thread:

Bugs: No Bugs list from Developer

9. [ROM][PORT][CM7.2] MIUI 2.4.20 GB (Themes work)

Link Thread:


-Media scanner (alternative: using meridian player)
-Lock screen not adapted for the screen. (when choosing a theme select everything except the option of blocking tela.Vai be the default screen, use anything other application blocking.)
-Clock does not automatically update

10.  [ROM][PORT][CM7.2]CyanJellyBread v1 aka. New JB Experience[VIDEO]

Link Thread:


-Media Scanner(To Some Extent Using Rescan Media)
- Wifi(Only Some Problems like Error)
- Camera (Its only running but no image taken)

11. [ROM/PORT][CM7] Jelly Bread v3.5 for Totoro [2.3.7][UPDATED]

Link Thread:

Bugs: Other CM7 Bugs except Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Tetherin

12. [ROM][PORT][CM7] MIUI GB for Galaxy Y

Link Thread:


1. Boot animation ( I can't figure out why )
2. Video Recording ( As there is no codec ) . But you can watch videos using mx player and its codec. Get it from Google play.
3. Bluetooth (partially - Cannot receive files)

13.  [ROM][PORT][CM7]CyanTux Series Rom Ported from Galaxy Mini [Nooblab Dev.]

Link Thread:


Bluetooth (Major)
Screen flickering and color swap (Minor)            

14. [CM][EXT4][PORT] aOS Alpha 1.1.4 [UPDATE 11/4/2013]

Link Thread:


  • Camera (not implemented by PhyscoGame)
  • Bluetooth
  • Screen glitches (due to incomplete graphic binaries by Broadcomm)
  • Force Closes on various system apps [FIXED!]
  • Chinese characters still present in a few places (please tell me where these are there so that I can translate and fix them) [FIXED!]

15.  [ROM][PORT][CM7.2] Blackdroids Lie For SGY

Link Thread:


16. ROM][PORT][CM7.2] New Experience Jelly Bean Special Edition for SGY

Link Thread:

Bugs: No Bugs List from Developer

17. [CM7][DEV][ALPHA] Pure cm7 source built!

Link Thread:


-Touchscreen calibration

18. [PORT][DEV][CM7] Unofficial CyanogenMod 7.2.0 RC1 For SGY GT-S5360

Link Thread:


1. Lockscren bug - when i press the lock the lcd dont turned off and it shows white screen only.
2. auto rotation bug - when u check the auto rotation it will go horizontal and accelerometer dont work but when u uncheck it it will go back to the normal display
3. Camera - force closes
4. Gallery - working but its too laggy
5. Brightness - not working even u select lower brightness it will stay at the higher brightness.
5. No baseband and all connections except usb.
6. battery shows 1% even it is 80%
7. notification bar is laggy when u pull it down.
8. Graphic Driver
9. Gps
10. Wifi
11. Sound

19.  [ROM] [PORT] {CYANJELLY V1.0}{based on cm7}(Project Continue....)

Link Thread:


1. Bluetooth
2. media scanning
3.playing hd videos and game
4. very small colour flickring ( not all d time ) not major bug.

20. [cm][based][rom]All my cm7 based roms

Link Thread:

Bugs: bluetooth some are same as cm7 v1.8

21. [DEV][Squadzone-source][CM7][WIP] Nano_Build - Unofficial CyanogenMod-7.2.0-GT-S5360

Link Thread:

Bugs:No Bugs List from developer

22. [PORT][CM 7][ROM]MIUI GB 2.3.7 Beta 2 RELEASED

Link Thread:


- Music Player not working
- WiFi
- Red and Blue Swapped
- Bluetooth
- Not applying custom themes

23.  [Source]CyanogenMod 7 for Galaxy Y[CM7][GT-S5360][Build-10]

Link Thread:


    Hardware Rendering

24. {darky sky}{cm7 2.3.7}{beta 2}{for galaxy y}

Link Thread:


1-sim was not showing
2-some time fc

25.  {ROM}{PORT}[Cyanogen mod 7]

Link Thread:

Bugs: No bugs list from developer  

26. [DEV][ROM][PORT][GPL][WIP] SEMC Debrand Engine [30/06/2013] [Build #1]

Link Thread:

  • Random Hot Boots
  • PsychoGame's CM7 Specific Bugs
  • Everything else
27. [PORT][CM7] MIUIv3
Link Thread:

  • Usb tether (try with an 3rd party app)
  • WiFi tether (not tested)
  • FM Radio is force closing (i don't know if is working in CM7 either)
  • The other bugs in percy_g2's CM
  • Report if you find something else

28. [ROM][PORT][GPL][CM7.2]Jelly Bread v4.5[UPDATE][#21]

Link Thread:

Bugs:  Video Recorder

29. [ROM][DEV] AOSP GB 2.3..7 - BroadcomCM [TOTORO] [v 4.0 - 02/08/2013]

Link Thread:


Some UI layouts
some issues same as CM.2
U tell me :D

30.  [DEV][BroadcomCM]Unofficial CyanogenMod 9.1 Nightly build and 7.2 RC released

Link Thread:

Bugs: No Bugs list from developer

CyanogenMod 9 (CM9)

1. [DEV]Unofficial CyanogenMod 9 Nightly Builds

Link Thread:


  •     No camera
  •     No audio 
  •     No wifi
  •     No bluetooth

2.  [PORT] CyanogenMod 9 - 4.0.4

Link Thread:

Bugs: No Bugs list from Developer

3.  [DEV]Cyanogenmod 9 [4.0.4]! V:0.4 12/19

Link Thread:

Bugs: No Bugs list from Developer

4. [DEV][BroadcomCM]Unofficial CyanogenMod 9.1 Nightly build and 7.2 RC released

Link Thread:


  • No camera
  • No audio
  • no wifi
  • no bluetooth
  • list will be updated soon(if you see any ,Post here)

CyanogenMod 10 (CM10)

1.  [DEV][ROM][PORT]CM10 Galaxy Young Pre-Test

Link Thread:

Bugs: No Bugs list form developer

Enjoying your list CyanogenMod ROM guys...

Credit: for all developer


Monggo tanyakan di >> (Kategori Android >> FAQ - Ask & Question)

Updated List: 3 Agustus 2013 (CM& & CM9)


  1. aku kok ya ora mudeng babar blas iki?

  2. kalau komentar postingan begini mungkin bisa ingat komentar gaya dulu kang waktu suka blogwalking keliling, terimakasih atas postingannya share yang sangat membantu, he he jujur nggak ngerti sama sekali

  3. @ Muhammad A Vip : Ra sah dipaksakno mudheng kang nek ra mudheng, wong cuma draft posting ae kok ini, sayang nggak dipublish, ya biar nggak sepi2 amat nih blog wkwkw

    @ Munir Ardiku: Huahahaha... iya ya bang, nice share, nice post, blogwalking hahaha... tp sekarang masih banyak yg gtu lho bang

  4. gan ada ssnya ga nih biar bisa liat hehehe kalo g stabil tinggal patching aj

  5. emg blom keluar patchnya?

  6. @ Anonymous: sengaja saya kasih link link + bugsnya aja, karena tampilan aslinya sama aja sebenernya cuma theming dikit2 doang, kalo mau nyoba paling stabil punya PsychoGame dan paling real CM ya itu :)

    Madteam juga lumayan, patch? tanya ke developernya masing2, saya nggak ngepatch dulu, lagi asik di LG and Andromax hhe...

    Saran, klo mau CM7 pake kernel Blackreactor. lumayan beberapa bugs tertatasi, sebenernya klo bugs camera white bisa dibkn camerahalnya buat lib, cuma gak tau klo di broadcom hhe

  7. gan ini OTA atau ROM mw download takut salah

    - CyanogenMod 7 Alpha 1
    - CyanogenMod 7 Alpha 2
    - CyanogenMod 7 Alpha 2.1
    - CyanogenMod 7 Alpha 2.2
    - CyanogenMod 7 Alpha 3
    - CyanogenMod 7 Alpha 4
    - CyanogenMod 7 Alpha 5

  8. @ Anonymous : Itu yg punya PsyCho ya? itu ROM, dia nggak bikin versi OTA, tiap ada update selalu bentuk ROM :)

  9. CM 10.1 RC5 / M3 bisa ga untuk s5360 V2.2.1

    denger denger seh mesti di upgrade dolo ke v2.2.2

  10. @ abwabun arba : Hah? CM10.1? hahhaa... Galaxy Y CM7 aja belum stabil gan, CM9 belum layak pake, CM10 aja belum ada gimana CM10.1 (4.2.2) hahaha... itu ROM fake version kali model2 JellyBlast atau Nemesis haha... ada2 aja si agan kita nggak punya ROM CM10.1 gan

  11. cm 10 dah ada kok coba search di google ane malah pake cm 10

  12. maksudnya yg diatas hehehehe...

  13. @ Anonymous : Setau saya CM10 baru ada 1 ROM dan cuma tester ROM, jadi nggak layak pake.... apalagi CM7 masih bugs dan CM9 masih luar biasa nggak stabil... bayangin aja gmn CM10nya.... ini yg saya maksud CM10 (JB) beneran ya bukan fake version android JB yg banyak beredar kaya Jelly Blast, Nemesis, atau Cyanocream

  14. iy sih yg bener2 pure cyanogen itu rom untuk galmin... dan memang cyanogen itu yg make duluan HH galmin dan lebih stabil dibandin sgy malah g ada bug (tau pas barter HH sama temen walau cma 1 minggu hhahahaha)

  15. gan maksud update psycho game itu jadi mending download yg final y kan dah bentuk rom... nyoba cm 10 tapi sering bootloop tiap batre habis atau tiap HH kebanting wes.. jadi males..

  16. kalo instal kamera punya room lain gimana?

  17. kernel black reactor kan di satuin sama romnya nah gimana car tuh gan instalnya?

  18. tapi psychogane cyanogen 7 alpha 5 g bisa di download..

  19. @ nonymous : Jiah bandinginnya kok sama Galaxy Mini. ya jelas dr chipset sama graphics juga udah beda gan... Diluar broadcom device kaya galaxy y tuh Cyanogen, AOSP, AOKP, OXYGEN itu udah pada stabil rata2 bukan cuma di Galaxy Mini...

    Psychogame belum ada final build

    Kamera apps asal sama libsnya bisa2 aja, kalo beda ya nggak bisa

    Kernel black reactor nyatu ama ROM? misah kali coba liat yg bener

    Untuk link ya urusan developernya kalo link mati...


    Sementara saya libur dr Galaxy Y, karena HPnya udah saya jual haha..

  20. BAGusan AOSP GalaxY Y (.BUG You TelL me.)

  21. hahaha dijual?bknya minjem xp

  22. @ Anonymous: bagusan Oxygen, cuma nggak ada developer yg ngernelin :)

    Dulu minjem, akhirnya saya beli 300rb dan sekarang udah saya jual Galaxy Y nya 500rb soalnya back button udah nggak fungsi hhe...

    Jadi sementara nggak ada update custom ROM Galaxy Y & LG L3 sampe saya dapet yg baru, karena dua itu udah saya lepas haha... tinggal pake LG optimus ME, Andromax I sama iPhone 4S hhe...

  23. @ Anonymous: bagusan Oxygen, cuma nggak ada developer yg ngernelin :)

    Dulu minjem, akhirnya saya beli 300rb dan sekarang udah saya jual Galaxy Y nya 500rb soalnya back button udah nggak fungsi hhe...

    Jadi sementara nggak ada update custom ROM Galaxy Y & LG L3 sampe saya dapet yg baru, karena dua itu udah saya lepas haha... tinggal pake LG optimus ME, Andromax I sama iPhone 4S hhe...

  24. wow beli 300 dapet 500...tapi ane dah males juga sama sgy soalnya terlalu mainstream... murahan lg T_T tapi beli ap y galmin 2 lemot ktnya belum bisa full ngutak-ngatik,ace2 gampang rusak.. sayangnya IOS g bisa diotak-atik kyk rom android @_@ada juga jailbreak

  25. WOW DIJUAL untung 200rb lg.. selamat...

    Buset dah gan... psycho game ancur begitu di bilang stabil malah itu belum layak pake kali..bootanimation aj g kelar2(bkn bootloop,soalnya pas di rotate keliatan samsung homenya,tapi separo)terus bluetooth g bisa,kamera ancur,layar ancurpas pindah season(dari samsung home ke setting),DKK...

    padahal ALPHA5 itu.. wedeh ancur kabeh cyanogen.. dah diem di nemesis mw g mw... :)

  26. @ Anonymous: Siapa bilang iOS gak bisa diotak2 atik, buktinya iPhone bisa di installin Android OS haha... selain Jailbreak masih banyak brow utak utik lain kaya Whitedoor untuk theming, dll (tergantung jenis iDevicenya)...

    Untuk HP sesuai selera aja, ngikutin kata hati mah gak ada abisnya

    @ Mac Cross : Itu namanya rejeki gan haha..

    Lho kan dijudul postingan udah saya tulis gede2 UNSTABLE, jadi jelas emang nggak ada yg stabil 100% semua ROM diatas.

    Psycho saya bilang paling stabil karena jadi based untuk ROM port CM7 lain, dan biasain jangan cuma baca 1 page download coba tinggal, biasain baca next page jelas2 ada solusinya pake kernel BR, selain Psycho bisa coba AOSP

    Dan jangan samain Based stock ROM kaya Nemesis sama CM7 karena udah jelas bedaaaaaa jauhhhhh...
