Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Huaaaaa... asli saya bener-bener lupa, kalo tahun ini saya belum sempet ngucapin Selamat Ulang Tahun untuk YUI-Chan (sok akrab manggilnya chan) ... Happy Birthday ya YUI-さん! - maaf belum kesampean nih buat pergi ke Jepang buat ngucapin langsung... hhe... nanti aja deh ya, kalo FLOWER FLOWER manggung di Tokyo Dome (AMIN), saya usahain untuk langsung terbang ke Jepang :)

Btw, nggak berasa euy si neng udah 26 tahun aja ya hhe... kalo di Indonesia sih wajarnya udah nikah wanita umur segitu, cuma si neng masih nikmat "Single" kali ya, soalnya terakhir saya tau berita kedeketannya si neng sama "Hatano Hirofumi" katanya cuma Gossip doang, maklum lah budaya disana kan gitu, maksudnya kang? iya orang jalan berdua aja udah dianggap pasangan, apalagi kalo ampe pegangan tangan didepan umum, beh dianggapnya udah "kaya pasangan yang lagi mesra banget - kasmaran lah bahasa sininya". Jadi ya, buat saya wajar-wajar aja klo beritanya si neng sama "Hatano Hirofumi" sampe seheboh itu haha... padahal andai hubungan mereka beneran pun, sebagai YUI-Lovers saya sih seneng-seneng aja, wong emang udah waktunya kok si neng melangkah ke hubungan yang lebih serius. Iya tho? malah ndak rela aku nek si neng YUI sampe jadi perawan tua.

Oiya ini dia berita kedekatan si neng sama "Hatano Hirofumi" yang saya maksudkan:

FRIDAY Magazine Article:

Songstress YUI “I’ve ended up living with you maybe ♡”
Eye-witness photos!

♪I’ve ended up falling in love with you maybe you haven’t realized it yet?

Singer YUI (26) sang these words in her own hit song “CHE.R.RY”
But if she’s going to date someone so openly, it’s definitely something that we would end up “realizing.”

The songstress, who received an overwhelming amount of support from her peers in their 20s, extremely suddenly declared her break from the industry in November of last year.
She left comments like, “I want to challenge new things. It’s in preparation for that.” and with her appearance on “NHK Kouhaku Utagassen,” held on New Year’s Eve, as her last, she broke off all connection with the public and disappeared. —
However, a few months after that in the beginning of April, she restarted a new form of musical activities.
“YUI announced that she would officially restart her activities this May as the vocalist and guitarist of her newly formed band ‘FLOWER FLOWER.’
Because she originally started off with street lives, she wanted to do live performances that allowed her to be closer to the audience.
And because of that, the new band went around live houses in different areas and performed with other bands in a “battle of the bands” type of format.
The fact that, in the new band, she changed her name into all lower case letters, “yui,” as well as her short blonde hair, probably signifies just how much feeling she put into wanting to start anew.” (Music Magazine Editor)
With the strong determination to continue her activities as a band, YUI has pushed off on a new start.
But she also welcomed a huge change in her private life as well.

One night, in the beginning of April, from a certain apartment building in the metropolitan area – Meguro District, came a blonde haired YUI pushing a scooter.
Beside her there was a shadow of another person also pushing a scooter; it was a male with long hair wearing a knit hat.
As the two of them talked cheerfully, they gallantly kicked off the ground and started to ride around on their scooters.
However, the weather that day had sprinkles of light rain.
“Should we leave them (the boards)?” YUI asked, and in response,
the long haired male replied kindly, “It did start to rain pretty hard huh-.”
The appearance of the two of them happily riding around on their scooters in high spirits around their neighborhood without caring about the unfortunate weather was the very image of a couple.
Shortly after that, the two of them disappeared off into the city at night, and appeared again a few hours later going into the same apartment building.

On days other than this day, there were people who witnessed the two of them leaving the apartment in a very friendly manner, and returning home a few hours later while cuddling one another.
“I often see them going shopping at the local convenience store and at the shopping district. This is an area with a lot of elderly people in the area, so it seems like there are barely any people who realize that it’s YUI. They always walk around looking like they’re very close and holding hands without caring about whether or not other people see them.” (A resident in the neighborhood)

According to YUI’s authorized personnel, the two of them had already started living together last year.
“It seems like around spring of last year, the two of them moved into that apartment building. The man is an indie musician and he performs at the live houses in the city.”

YUI has gotten a partner that she has strong bonds to in both real life and in their musical activities.
We wonder if their life together will become manifested in one of YUI’s future hit songs.

Picture comments
Holding their hands in a “couple grasp,” the two of them are walking out of a convenience store by their house. After this they link arms and walk down the shopping district.

On a different day from the picture on the right, they rode their scooters around the streets at night in the light rain.
Because the rain got heavier that day, they went home by taxi.

Nah itu dia berita yang saya maksud hhe....

Btw, anda udah pada tau kan ya kalo sekarang YUI udah nggak perform sebagai YUI lagi, tapi sebagai FLOWER FLOWER? Jujur, saya sendiri masih belum tau FLOWER FLOWER itu format sebuah Band atau masih dalam format solo karir YUI yang diiringi sebuah Band.Karena saya bilang sih ya sama-sama aja biarpun disalah satu media saya baca, FLOWER FLOWER itu sebuah band sih :)

Oiya, untuk sebuah musisi pendatang baru (biarpun YUI-chan udah lama di industri musik Jepang) buat saya penampilan FLOWER FLOWER di beberpa Live Music dan berita-berita tentang mereka diberbagai media massa jepang, udah cukup ngebuat saya bangga, bangga dalam artian YUI masih dicintai oleh para fansnya, biarpun dia memutuskan untuk muncul dalam industri musik jepang bukan lagi sebagai YUI

Kaya di Jujitsu Cafe (Utsunomiya) 26 January lalu


Ada lagi FLOWER FLOWER di special live for au (KDDI). Aneh ya? AU tuh nama sebuah provider Jepang, kalo disini kaya Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, 3 gitu-gitu lah cuma dipasarinnya sama KDDI, kaya Huawei dipasarin sama ESIA gitu klo disini hhe... Nah kebetulan mereka baru buat aplikasi mobile yang namanya "ODOROKI" nah disana FLOWER FLOWER semacem kaya ngisi acara launchingnya gitu kalo saya nggak salah.''

Untuk yang penasaran sama aplikasinya nih saya kasih iklannya AU - KDDI (saya sih nggak penasaran haha)

Terus mereka muncul juga di Majalah ROCKIN’ON JAPAN

Dan terakhir FLOWER-FLOWER masih digandeng sama AU untuk launching produk mereka, sekaligus ngenalin lagi baru mereka yang berjudul “月” - Tsuki (Moon - bulan) nih iklannya

Wayah, lha kok iklan mulu kang? lha mbuh, ya minimal FLOWER FLOWER ikut dipromosiin lah sama tuh provider haha...

Nah, dan kabar gembira terakhir yang mau saya sampaikan adalah single FLOWER FLOWER yang berjudul “月” - Tsuki (Moon - bulan) sudah rilis secara didigital dan dapat dibeli melalui

Cuma sayang, hanya bisa dibeli oleh orang Jepang hahaha.... dan belum tersedia untuk luar Jepang (semoga ada bocoran dari netter Jepang haha)

Andai bisa beli, pasti saya beli tuh single :(

Tapi gpp lah, minimal udah rilis single yang moga-moga direspons positive sama para fans YUI dibelahan bumi manapun :)

Dan sebagai fans, saya cuma bisa terus dukung Idola saya... Ganbatte YUI-Chan :)



  1. wow YUI udah 26 tahun ternyata. perasaan suka dia pas kuliah deh karena suka nonton Anime. Sekarang ngga pernah liat lagi. hehehe

  2. @ Meutia Halida Khairani : Kadang aku masih suka liat PV yg to Mother sih di animax, cuma sekarang emang agak jarang lagu YUI dijadiin ost anime hhe... terakhir Bleach ya klo gak salah yg LIFE hahaa..

  3. Wah, kirain aragaki yui..hehehehe

  4. tampil solo atau band kalau memang udah ngefans nggak masalah ya Sob

  5. @ yanuar catur : Aragaki Yui mah lebih tenar di movie atau dorama, nggak tenar dia kalo di industri music

    @ Bang Munir Ardiku: Yupz, betul banget bang hhe..
